Re: Mandriva 2006 poate sa apara vineri

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Re: Mandriva 2006 poate sa apara vineri

AdamW i seem to recall a mention of rc2 in a package changelog this morning
AdamW That was yesterday in #Mandriva-Cooker
warly We are likely to have an rc2
warly tomorrow morning
AdamW ah, the dude himself :)
Hawkwind There he is now
moonie-work wow, speak of the .....nvm
Hawkwind LOL
moonie-work hey warly
warly yop
AdamW warly: but still planning final for friday?
Hawkwind So RC2 tomorrow, then final next week hopefully
warly AdamW: planned for friday, likely to be validated/burned/revalidated/reburned for tuesday
AdamW ok
AdamW so we get two days to fix the bugs in RC2...
AdamW yep, that sounds about right ;)
Nate_Grey lol
Erix will we have a "community" and "offical" versions? or this 2006 will be official?
moonie-work warly: when will the early seeders be notified?
Hawkwind Erix: No
warly Erix: no community

Am salvat aceasta discutie de pe canalul #Mandriva in care Warly responsabilul cu adunarea pachetelor (adyx corecteaza-ma daca gresesc) afirma ca maine va aparea versiunea RC2 iar vineri va fi marea lansare oficiala :-D

Re: Mandriva 2006 poate sa apara vineri

"warly Erix: no community" ?1?!?

Re: Mandriva 2006 poate sa apara vineri

Ma indoiesc serios de o posibila lansare in acesta saptamana. Orice om care gandeste putin isi da seama ca doua zile pentru corectarea bugurilor e o gluma. Au mai facut chestia asta odata si a iesit o varza. Cred ca vor astepta sa treaca week-endul.

Oricum m-as bucura sa apara .... :-D

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.