Re: GeForce 6800 - benchmark

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Re: GeForce 6800 - benchmark a facut un benchmark sub Linux pentru un GeForce 6800 pe PCI Express. Cititi articolul aici.

For Linux gaming enthusiasts and hobbyists, this is definitely a great time to invest in a new graphics card with the new NVIDIA 1.0-8XXX drivers on the horizon and the upbringing of several new Linux-native games.

Re: GeForce 6800 - benchmark

sa inteleg ca noile serii de drivere 1.0-8xxx vor fi considerabil mai bune decat cele actuale. stie cineva cam cand vor aparea si anume when is the horizon??

Re: GeForce 6800 - benchmark

Citeste aici. Este un articol despre noua versiune.

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.