Microsoft - un angajat lipsit de tact ?

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Microsoft - un angajat lipsit de tact ?

OpenDocument, formatul despre care am mai discutat recent pe site si OpenOffice, par sa fie doua probleme mari pentru Microsoft. Intr-o conferinta din Slovenia pe tema OpenOffice, un profesor care tinea un discurs legat de adoptarea acestui program a fost intrerupt brutal de un individ care s-a prezentat ca fiind un angajat Microsoft. Discutia a degenerat si a ajuns un atac la nivel personal pentru respectivul prezentator. Cititi mai multe aici.

There was an 2005 conference in Koper-Capodistria, Slovenia last week at which a professor delivered a keynote speech entitled: "Should I Adopt OpenOffice?". It is reported that after taking a few questions from the audience, a loud voice boomed out from the back of the auditorium saying "In the spirit of full disclosure, I am a Microsoft technical officer." The person then launched at attack on the professor about the information that had just been presented.
Reportedly, the dialogue at the conference in Slovenia got ugly with the Microsoft gentleman taking the attack to a personal level and the professor offering a metaphor that basically portrayed users as 'slaves', leaving it unsaid who the "master" was.