Re: Lansare Firefox 1.5

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Re: Lansare Firefox 1.5

Firefox 1.5 va fi lansat saptamana aceasta. Stati o secunda ! Este ceva anormal in anuntul acesta ? Sigur. Avem de a face cu un fel de campanie de marketing pentru noua versiune a browserului care va fi lansat cu confetti si artificii. :-D Miscarea open-source o ia razna. Cititi mai multe aici. Suna chiar interesant. Sa vedem cum va fi primit si daca numarul de descarcari se va apropia de asteptarile dezvoltatorilor. Keep an eye on it ! :-o

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Re: Lansare Firefox 1.5

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"When you run Mozilla or Firefox and load a web page with images, it stores the uncompressed images as pixmaps in the X server. In particular, it seems to maintain live pixmaps for all the images in all the tabs that you have open; even if a tab is not visible, the images will be in your X server's memory.

When you exit Firefox, the X server is smart enough to return this memory to the kernel.

Web pages use compressed images, of course, to reduce download time. These images will likely take up a lot of space when uncompressed.

For example, I have a directory with about 4.3 MB of JPEG images, If I uncompress those images, they balloon in size to about 67 MB.

Asa ca sa puna mana draq sa repare bugurile ca n-avem terabytes de RAM si sa mai lase prostiile de marketing."