Au inceput voturile!!!
Submitted by Patkos Csaba on 3. January 2008 - 20:24
Astazi, s-a anuntat oficial inceputul campaniei de voturi la deja vestitul si recunoscutul Members Choice Awards: is proud to announce that voting for the 2007 Members Choice Awards is now open. The Members Choice Awards allow the Linux community to select their favorite products in a variety of categories. Awards will be given out in 27 categories this year, including Server Distribution of the Year, Desktop Distribution of the Year....
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Haideti sa sustinem Mandriva si programele noastre preferate :)
Mandriva - VOTAT!
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Linux registered user # 443878
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Configurarea PPPoE
Mandriva all the way
Votat la toate! Adica, ma rog, la ce folosesc...
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Linux registered user #439407
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