Mandriva Linux 2007.1 Spring

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Mandriva Linux 2007.1 Spring

Pentru ca am anuntat mai devreme versiunea Alpha 1 pentru Mandriva Linux 2007.1 care va aparea pe 19.03.2007, sa vedem ce va include noua versiune:


    * Free (3 CDs i586, 3 CDs x86_64, 1 DVD Dual Arch i586/x86_64)
    * One (Gnome and KDE)
    * Discovery (based on One) 1 DVD
    * Powerpack (based on Free) 2 DVD (1 dual layer)
    * Powerpack+ (based on Free) 4 DVD (2 dual layer)

Core components

    * kernel 2.6.17
    * glibc 2.4
    * gcc 4.1
    * 7.1 (including AIGLX support)


    * KDE 3.5.5
    * Gnome 2.17
    * Mozilla Firefox version 2.0
    * 2.0.4
    * 3D desktop with compiz/beryl  ;D