Oare merge "masajul" la TFT? Fix Your Laptop: Stuck Pixels

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beranger's picture
Oare merge "masajul" la TFT? Fix Your Laptop: Stuck Pixels

11 Ways to Fix Your Laptop: Stuck Pixels

Green or red dots on your notebook's screen

Massage away dead pixels

Nonconforming or stuck pixels can be a nuisance on an otherwise functional laptop LCD. The pixels usually remain green or red without lighting up properly with the other pixels on the display. Unfortunately, manufacturers will not replace an LCD for just one or two stuck pixels; in fact, some require as many as 10 to 18 dead pixels before they'll take action. There is a solution, though. Take a soft material, like a felt cloth, and gently rub in a circular motion around the stuck pixel. Performing this trick will usually get the pixel to light up properly. Once you find the right location and pressure to illuminate the pixel, hold your finger there for up to two minutes, and voila, no more stuck pixel. 

admin's picture
Raspuns: Oare merge "masajul" la TFT? Fix Your Laptop: Stuck Pix

Hm, am si eu vreo doi pixeli morti pe lcd-ul meu. O sa incerc metoda astuia si iti zic daca a mers :D

beranger's picture
Raspuns: Oare merge "masajul" la TFT? Fix Your Laptop: Stuck Pix

Acu', depinde daca s-a prajit jonctiunea sau e doar vorba de un contact care nu mai mere, etc.

Raspuns: Oare merge "masajul" la TFT? Fix Your Laptop: Stuck Pix

maaxx, sa ne spui daca a functionat sau nu.

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