am o intrebare. Pot cumva sa blochez accesul la un anumit site web pe calculatorul local pentru toti userii in afara de root?
Eu sunt root si vreau ca altii sa nu poata intra pe o anumita adresa.
Cum s-ar putea face in Mandriva 2007.1?
squid proxy transparent + acls
din iptables nu s-ar putea ? ştiu că se putea tăia accesul şi după owner (am aflat asta din man iptables)
citez :
This module attempts to match various characteristics of the packet
creator, for locally-generated packets. It is only valid in the OUTPUT
chain, and even this some packets (such as ICMP ping responses) may
have no owner, and hence never match.
--uid-owner userid
Matches if the packet was created by a process with the given
effective user id.
--gid-owner groupid
Matches if the packet was created by a process with the given
effective group id.
--pid-owner processid
Matches if the packet was created by a process with the given
process id.
--sid-owner sessionid
Matches if the packet was created by a process in the given ses‐
sion group.
--cmd-owner name
Matches if the packet was created by a process with the given
command name. (this option is present only if iptables was com‐
piled under a kernel supporting this feature)
NOTE: pid, sid and command matching are broken on SMP
just a lucky guess, nimic sigur :)
Lumea lui A.Faith -->
There is no patch for human stupidity
join #mandrivaro on FreeNode!
am gasit si eu ca "e posibil", dar nu am gasit inca exact cum...
o sa ma mai uit sa vad, dar o sa mai intreb si la scoala sa vad poate stie administratorul ceva ;)
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You'll never get to heaven if you're scared of getting high!