Attachment | Size |
![]() | 211.15 KB |
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Instalarea decurge normal, fara erori, se deschide dar nu am reusit sa fac nici o conversie (am incercat mai multe formate si fisiere diferite). Deschis in consola nu afiseaza nici o eroare in consola, doar in fereastra aplicatiei apare ¨Files failed: 1¨ urmat de explicatii;
Output in fereastra aplicatiei:
1: wma to mp3
>> Command executed:
"/opt/mobilemediaconverter/ffmpeg" -y -vn -i "/home/dan/Music/O-Zone - Ochii tai.wma" -y -acodec libmp3lame-ac 2 -ar 44100 -ab 192k -f mp3 -map_meta_data "/home/dan/Music/O-Zone - Ochii tai.mp3":"/home/dan/Music/O-Zone - Ochii tai.wma" "/home/dan/Music/O-Zone - Ochii tai.mp3"
2: mp3 to amr
>> Command executed:
"/opt/mobilemediaconverter/ffmpeg" -y -vn -i "/home/dan/Music/1/2-4 family - Lean on me.mp3" -y -acodec libopencore_amrnb -ac 1 -ar 8000 -ab 10.2k -f amr -map_meta_data "/home/dan/Music/1/2-4 family - Lean on me.amr":"/home/dan/Music/1/2-4 family - Lean on me.mp3" "/home/dan/Music/1/2-4 family - Lean on me.amr"
>> Result:
3: mpeg to avi
>> Command executed:
"/opt/mobilemediaconverter/ffmpeg" -y -i "/home/dan/Music/Videoclipuri/BACKSTREET BOYS - I WANT IT THAT WAY.mpg" -vcodec msmpeg4v2 -r 25 -b 700k -acodec libmp3lame -ac 2 -ar 44100 -ab 128k -f avi -map_meta_data "/home/dan/Music/Videoclipuri/BACKSTREET BOYS - I WANT IT THAT WAY.avi":"/home/dan/Music/Videoclipuri/BACKSTREET BOYS - I WANT IT THAT WAY.mpg" "/home/dan/Music/Videoclipuri/BACKSTREET BOYS - I WANT IT THAT WAY.avi"
>> Result:
4: avi to mpeg
>> Command executed:
"/opt/mobilemediaconverter/ffmpeg" -y -i "/home/dan/Music/Videoclipuri/Alex Gaudino - Destination Unknown.avi" -vcodec mpeg1video -r 25 -b 1100k -acodec libmp3lame -ac 2 -ar 44100 -ab 128k -f mpeg -map_meta_data "/home/dan/Music/Videoclipuri/Alex Gaudino - Destination Unknown.mpg":"/home/dan/Music/Videoclipuri/Alex Gaudino - Destination Unknown.avi" "/home/dan/Music/Videoclipuri/Alex Gaudino - Destination Unknown.mpg"
>> Result:
5: mpeg to mp4
>> Command executed:
"/opt/mobilemediaconverter/ffmpeg" -y -i "/home/dan/Music/Videoclipuri/Bangles - Manic Monday.mpg" -vcodec mpeg4 -s 320x240 -r 29.97 -b 700k -acodec libfaac -ac 2 -ar 24000 -ab 128k -f psp -map_meta_data "/home/dan/Music/Videoclipuri/Bangles - Manic Monday.mp4":"/home/dan/Music/Videoclipuri/Bangles - Manic Monday.mpg" "/home/dan/Music/Videoclipuri/Bangles - Manic Monday.mp4"
>> Result:
[root@localhost dan]# rpm -q mobilemediaconverter --provides
mobilemediaconverter = 1.5.0-69.1mrb2010.0
mobilemediaconverter(x86-32) = 1.5.0-69.1mrb2010.0
[root@localhost dan]# rpmlint -i mobilemediaconverter
mobilemediaconverter.i686: W: statically-linked-binary /opt/mobilemediaconverter/ffmpeg
The package installs a statically linked binary or object file. Usually this
is a packaging bug. If not, contact your rpmlint distributor about this so
that this error gets included in the exception file for rpmlint and will not
be flagged as a packaging bug in the future (or add it to your local
configuration if you installed rpmlint from the source tarball).
mobilemediaconverter.i686: W: script-without-shebang /usr/share/mobilemediaconverter/GPL.txt
This text file has executable bits set or is located in a path dedicated for
executables, but lacks a shebang and cannot thus be executed. If the file is
meant to be an executable script, add the shebang, otherwise remove the
executable bits or move the file elsewhere.
mobilemediaconverter.i686: W: no-documentation
The package contains no documentation (README, doc, etc). You have to include
documentation files.
mobilemediaconverter.i686: W: missing-PT_GNU_STACK-section /opt/mobilemediaconverter/ffmpeg
The binary lacks a PT_GNU_STACK section. This forces the dynamic linker to
make the stack executable. Usual suspects include use of a non-GNU linker or
an old GNU linker version.
mobilemediaconverter.i686: W: ldd-failed /opt/mobilemediaconverter/ffmpeg
Executing ldd on this file failed, all checks could not be run.
mobilemediaconverter.i686: W: incoherent-version-in-changelog mobilemediaconverter-1.5.0-69.1mrb2010.0 1.5.0-69.1mrb2010.0
The last entry in %changelog contains a version identifier that is not
coherent with the epoch:version-release tuple of the package.
mobilemediaconverter.i686: W: empty-%postun
mobilemediaconverter.i686: W: empty-%post
mobilemediaconverter.i686: W: dir-or-file-in-opt /opt/mobilemediaconverter/
mobilemediaconverter.i686: W: dir-or-file-in-opt /opt/mobilemediaconverter/
mobilemediaconverter.i686: W: dir-or-file-in-opt /opt/mobilemediaconverter/mmc
mobilemediaconverter.i686: W: dir-or-file-in-opt /opt/mobilemediaconverter/
mobilemediaconverter.i686: W: dir-or-file-in-opt /opt/mobilemediaconverter/
mobilemediaconverter.i686: W: dir-or-file-in-opt /opt/mobilemediaconverter/
mobilemediaconverter.i686: W: dir-or-file-in-opt /opt/mobilemediaconverter/
mobilemediaconverter.i686: W: dir-or-file-in-opt /opt/mobilemediaconverter/
mobilemediaconverter.i686: W: dir-or-file-in-opt /opt/mobilemediaconverter/
mobilemediaconverter.i686: W: dir-or-file-in-opt /opt/mobilemediaconverter/
mobilemediaconverter.i686: W: dir-or-file-in-opt /opt/mobilemediaconverter/
mobilemediaconverter.i686: W: dir-or-file-in-opt /opt/mobilemediaconverter/ffmpeg
mobilemediaconverter.i686: W: dir-or-file-in-opt /opt/mobilemediaconverter/
mobilemediaconverter.i686: W: dir-or-file-in-opt /opt/mobilemediaconverter/
A file in the package is located in /opt. It's not permitted for packages to
install files in this directory.
1 packages and 0 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 22 warnings.
:-) Se pare ca symbianflo avea dreptate. O sa refac pachetul.
Ok, multumesc! Regret faptul ca te stresez, dar ma gandeam ca e bine sa stii...Bafta!
L.E.- Nu e nici o graba, cand ai timp! Celelalte pachete sunt ok, functioneaza perfect, multumesc pt. ele... :D
==Those who feel the breath of sadness Sit down next to me Those who find they’re touched by madness Sit down next to me Those who find themselves ridiculous Sit down next to me ==
ms pt feedback
Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are
inainte de "--ba " da-i o mina de rpmlint la specul tau asa il piu la punct si dupa aia , il buildezi
ceea ce -i mai important ,seteaza permisele ptr file&foldere nu lasa niciodata alea de default
ale compilatorului ( chiar daca nu-i cazul tau ) , permisele tre sa le setezi cum trebuie .
ptr ca o sai erori in lant, una genereaza cealalta , etc .
La sfirsit cind il instalezi pe masina ta iar ii dai o mina de rpmlint la pachet de deta asta .
PS: fileurile desktop verificale cu desktop-file-validate
si da alceva nu sti , ma gasesti tu ;D pa
Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are
Macar la asta (sper) sa fiu de folos...Otherwise i´m totally useless :(!!!
==Those who feel the breath of sadness Sit down next to me Those who find they’re touched by madness Sit down next to me Those who find themselves ridiculous Sit down next to me ==
tu esti ceva si
"useless" e altceva ;D
am uitat sa-ti zic , nu folosi macrosuri in :
% Changelog si tre sa creezi sectia doc in %files cam asa ceva:
schimba "README.TXT COPYING.TXT INSTALL.TXT" in ceea ce are sursa si eventual schimba codificarea in iso cu "iconv"( daca vrei ;D)
Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are