[MIB] Kernel NRJ

Noul kernel disponibil pe MIB, merita pomenit ptr ca ptr prima oara pe mandriva are abilitat de default si PREEMPT_BKL enabled
, pe linga Mike Gilbraith's new scheduler_autogroup
enabled by default.
Acum cind scriu ptr x86_64 este disponibil pe mib si ptr al instala detaliile sunt aici:
( post bilingv engleza si italiana), ptr 32 de bit mediile sunt in curs de actualizare.
Ca de obicei kernelul MIB are urmatoarele caracteristici:
Main features will be:
* full manbo patchset
* full preempt, low latency, less debug;
Inca o chestie interesanta
kernel-desktop este mult mai lejer ptr ca :
"disabled XEN part that was suited for server 64bit"
Evident ca kernel-server are toate modulele de virtualizare.
Aromele cu care vine sunt cele MiB default :
Mandriva 2010.2/64 Kernel desktop Energy "nrj"
Mandriva 2010.2/32 Kernel desktop Energy "nrj"
Mandriva 2010.2/32: Kernel desktop Energy + PAE "nrj-pae"
Mandriva 2010.2/64 Kernel desktop standard
Mandriva 2010.2/64 Kernel server
Mandriva 2010.2/32 Kernel desktop standard
Mandriva 2010.2/32 Kernel server
Care-i diferenta intre
Care-i diferenta intre PREEMPT_BKL si PREEMPT pe limba muritorilor de rand? Cred ca ar merita specificat.
' Zombie: "Thou canst not kill that which doth not live. But you can blast it into chunky kibbles." ' (Quake1 manual, chapter VI, section D, line 676)
PREEMPT_BKL — Preempt the Big Kernel Lock
This option reduces the latency of the kernel by making the Big Kernel Lock preemptible.
Say yes here if you are building a kernel for a desktop system.
Sursa: http://www.linuxtopia.org/online_books/linux_kernel/kernel_configuration...
Csabi′s BLOG
Linux registered user # 457717
The Big Kernel Lock is the
The Big Kernel Lock is the most annoying lock in the kernel. It was introduced to start with the SMP development of Linux more than 10 years ago. We still have users which rely on it. There has been some effort to push the BKL locking down into the files which (still) expect to be protected by it for whatever reason. This makes it easier to replace it by local locking.
Some effort to remove the BKL locking in various places has already happened. The most prominent work is the removal of the BKL from reiserfs by Frederic Weisbecker. Please add the file(s) you are working on to that page to avoid duplicate effort.
' Zombie: "Thou canst not kill that which doth not live. But you can blast it into chunky kibbles." ' (Quake1 manual, chapter VI, section D, line 676)
Csabi′s BLOG
Linux registered user # 457717
... Merge.
... Merge.
Csabi′s BLOG
Linux registered user # 457717
la mine ii ceva mai rapid
la mine ii ceva mai rapid boot-ul si pe host si pe guesturi...
Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are
Eu nu am cronometrat, dar asa
Eu nu am cronometrat, dar asa cu ochiul liber nu observ nici o diferenta semnificativa. Nu contest ca e mai rapid sau nu, zic doar ca nu e spectaculos mai rapid.
Insa pana acum merge bine... Acum doar de as avea si un kde 4.6 ar fi bestial.
Csabi′s BLOG
Linux registered user # 457717
dap ... si eu as vrea un
dap ... si eu as vrea un beowulf cu inca 3 pisicuri ca al meu , si ar fi bestial ... :D
Incearca cookerul , sau (vai de mine ce zic acuma ) mageia....merita incercat crede-ma pe cuvint.... :(
Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are