CDE open source!

maaxx's picture

Mega-veste! Pentru toti cei dezamagiti de KDE4, Gnome3 s.a.m.d., stati fara grija: CDE tocmai a fost publicat sub licenta LGPLv2!

"The Common Desktop Environment was created by a collaboration of Sun, HP, IBM, DEC, SCO, Fujitsu and Hitachi. Used on a selection of commercial UNIXs, it is now available as open-source software for the first time."


maaxx's picture

' Zombie: "Thou canst not kill that which doth not live. But you can blast it into chunky kibbles." ' (Quake1 manual, chapter VI, section D, line 676)

symbianflo's picture

Doamne fereste da urit ii .... rpm-uri ...hmmmm nu nu astept sa le faca ala pe stella si dupa aia le importez de le el .... :D
trebuie studiat cu toate ca am dubiile mele , un DE e team job ( update-uri si maintenance incluse), deci nu-ti fa prea mari sperante....
mai ales ca postul nu se refera la mine deloc , eu nu sunt dezamagit nici de kde4 de pe rosa/sabayon si nici de gtk2 de pe stella si bsd. MRB aint no shit , :p Linux user number 507107 Nu dați banii pe prostii, puneți Linux pe PISI ![ARLUG]

Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are

cgherman's picture

maaxx: asta-i ptr masochisti :))

symbianflo's picture

ce vorbesti frate ??? nu se zice BSM se zice maax MRB aint no shit , :p Linux user number 507107 Nu dați banii pe prostii, puneți Linux pe PISI ![ARLUG]

Unix is user-friendly. It’s just very selective about who its friends are