Recent posts

Type Title Authorsort descending Replies Last Post
Topic forum You are not the owner of /home/gigi/tmp. Catic 7 5. September 2009 - 2:02
Topic forum The application Spatiu de lucru Plasma (plasma) crashed and caused the signal 11 Catic 22 4. September 2009 - 22:07
Topic forum Probleme cu flash player Catic 6 11. October 2009 - 21:03
Topic forum sunt incepator cu mandriva cdjedi 1 25. June 2007 - 6:49
Topic forum Swappiness pentru 512 SDRAM so mandriva2010.2 celmaibatran 4 28. January 2011 - 18:13
Topic forum m-am impotmolit la instalarea kde 4.5.4 celmaibatran 22 5. February 2011 - 19:35
Topic forum [REZOLVAT] transparenta preferentiala fereastra etc! celmaibatran 5 21. July 2011 - 18:27
Topic forum Control cooler procesor cezar 2 24. April 2009 - 9:41
Topic forum MCNLive o noua versiune cgherman 27. April 2006 - 7:09
Topic forum Linux Inovation Day cgherman 19. November 2006 - 21:41
Topic forum Review Mandriva 2006 beta1 cgherman 17. July 2005 - 8:37
Topic forum Re: Mandriva Linux 2006 0.1.3 cgherman 3 2. August 2005 - 13:22
Topic forum KTorrent 2.1.x cgherman 6. March 2007 - 19:11
Articol Mandriva Linux 2010.1 pe servere (apare) cgherman 2 8. July 2010 - 16:21
Topic forum Instalare server Xgl sub Mandriva cgherman 7 30. March 2006 - 19:11
Topic forum NVIDIA 1.0-8774 cgherman 25. August 2006 - 7:13
Articol Forumul Linux .ro sub o noua haina cgherman 1 4. June 2009 - 20:44
Topic forum 2.0.4 cgherman 15. October 2006 - 10:12
Articol MUD-LXDE-Edition 2010.0 cgherman 2 28. November 2009 - 19:27
Articol Sarbatori fericite!! cgherman 3. April 2010 - 15:25
Topic forum Comparatie intre kernel-urile Solaris, Linux si FreeBSD cgherman 16. October 2005 - 8:50
Topic forum Samba 3.0.20 cgherman 20. August 2005 - 20:56
Topic forum K3b 0.12.7 cgherman 2. November 2005 - 21:42
Topic forum Repository MIB pentru 2010.0 cgherman 31. October 2009 - 19:59
Topic forum Top 100 jocuri gratuite pe linux cgherman 3 11. April 2010 - 9:11
